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Education & Culture In Brazil

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NAC Núcleo de Assistência à Cr
NAC is the school-day-care centre that gives to your children exactly what they need while you work: loving care, education and attention. In our team there is: a pediatrician, a psychologist, a nutritionist and a speech therapist. We start from a nursery (full-time) and go up until 5 years of age - before children learn to read (Jardim II).
Nuclenorte has been on the market for 09 years, with the purpose to meet the training in the place in companies all around Brazil. Our mission is to offer a performance aiming to update youngsters who wish to build their professional identity based on flexibility and employment.
Open Doors
For 10 years in business, Open Doors has been working with communicative approach teaching English and Spanish, with ages from 3 to 10 at Unidade Kids and from 10 to 18 at Unidade Teens. Come to visit us. You’ll be amazed!
Overdose Vestibulares
It has 10 years in the market of courses for vestibular contests, with 2 units in Natal. The team is pointed for modern education didactics, dynamic and complete. Formula that results in a great number of approved students in the vestibular contests of RN and other States. Come and get to know us, school registration for 2008 are already are open.
Papelaria Cultural
The largest and most complete in stationery in Messejana, we carry school material, office stationery, packages, gifts, haberdashery, binding, plasticization, cartridge refill, copies, seals, bibliopegy, typing, printing, business cards, invitation cards, etc.
Paper Store
We offer our customers fast and graphic services like: Xerox color and black / white in A4 and A3 prints color and black / white in A4 and A3, A4 and A3 bindings, laminates, cuts, typing, material for office and school plastic covers for books, festive cards, gift packages.
Paper Store
We offer our customers fast and graphic services like: Xerox color and black / white in A4 and A3 prints color and black / white in A4 and A3, A4 and A3 bindings, laminates, cuts, typing, material for office and school plastic covers for books, festive cards, gift packages.
Poty Livros
With 30 years on the market Poty Livros has earned the credibility of the Potiguars.It presently has the monopoly over the book market, stocking over 80,000 works in 7 shops. Each shop possesses its own distinctive character and offers clients comfort and security in pleasant surroundings.
Qualifica is an organization created in 2007 focused in training for health professionals of physiotherapy, aesthetics, odontology, physical education… From day one we provided quality trainings, professionalism and accomplishment, never forgetting ethics, respect and commitment to learners.
Qualifica is an organization created in 2007 focused in training for health professionals of physiotherapy, aesthetics, odontology, physical education… From day one we provided quality trainings, professionalism and accomplishment, never forgetting ethics, respect and commitment to learners.
For 43 years in the retail and wholesale markets, SODINE works with a wide range of products with over 15,000 items from stationery materials, computer, office, school, art supplies, cleaning and exclusive distribution of Ceará Publisher Attica and Scipione.
For 43 years in the retail and wholesale markets, SODINE works with a wide range of products with over 15,000 items from stationery materials, computer, office, school, art supplies, cleaning and exclusive distribution of Ceará Publisher Attica and Scipione.
For 43 years in the retail and wholesale markets, SODINE works with a wide range of products with over 15,000 items from stationery materials, computer, office, school, art supplies, cleaning and exclusive distribution of Ceará Publisher Attica and Scipione.
Studio Corpo de Baile
The Studio Corpo de Baile, which was founded in 1997, stands out as being the most highly-regarded dance school in the city, due to its professionalism and serious work. The studio offers the following courses:Baby Class, Classical Ballet, Jazz, Baby Tap, Tap dancing, Yoga, contemporary Dance, Popular Dance and Ballroom Dancing..
Troca de Livros
The site Troca de Livros has had a facelift and there are many inovations for its users.Now all exchanges can be made directly via our system including publication of books,advanced search, offers,business deals and information regarding dispatch etc.
UNP - Universidade Potiguar
UNP is the only international private university in the northeast, present in Natal and Mossoró. With a total of 40 graduation courses in different areas of study. The university has 3 master courses and approximately 80 specialization courses.
UNP - Universidade Potiguar
UNP is the only international private university in the northeast, present in Natal and Mossoró. With a total of 40 graduation courses in different areas of study. The university has 3 master courses and approximately 80 specialization courses.
Whats Up English Center
What´s Up offers business English, regular courses, Proficiency,preparation for TOEFL and exchanges among other things.Our student is able to choose the best option to suit his time and needs. We have various resources at our disposal and grammar is studied as part of a communicative approach.
Word Station
Come for the real learning with practical modern lessons and books updated by Cambridge University. For 20 years working with languages and offering the best learning in English and Spanish. Face the challenge of the globalized world without any fears! Classrooms with satellite and internet closed-circuit TV
Work Up
The Work Up Vocational Training is an educational institution that offers English, German, Spanish, Computers, Computer Maintenance and administrative routines courses. We also offer School Strengthening Portuguese and Mathematics. Public Speaking Course and Communication, Technical Sales, HR Assistant, Assistant in Accounting. Come Meet our structure and our unique teaching materials.
Work Up
The Work Up Vocational Training is an educational institution that offers English, German, Spanish, Computers, Computer Maintenance and administrative routines courses. We also offer School Strengthening Portuguese and Mathematics. Public Speaking Course and Communication, Technical Sales, HR Assistant, Assistant in Accounting. Come Meet our structure and our unique teaching materials.
Yázigi Internexus
Yázigi is a language school with more than 60 years of experience and more than 350 units only in Brazil, teaching English and Spanish to more than 150 thousand students and providing your visa to international exchange programs, for vacation and professional preparation.
+55 27 35211800
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